Thursday 17 December 2009

What a PITCH!! :P lol

For my pitch i had four ideas that where all based on horror.

My first idea was called: .sleep over massacre.
This idea was based on a group of lads having a sleep over, during the sleep over they start exchanging ghost stories each as scary as the previous, they decide to sleep outside in the tent as to make it more interesting as the film progresses the main guy Adrian whose house it is tells a story that he narrates from his dad that he said was true that his dad when he was small went camping on a school trip and went missing and was in a coma for a week and was thought to be possessed by a ghost. The others are really scar d and stay up all night. They continue to tell stories then one chickens out (Adam) and says he needs to go to the toilet, as the night progresses they realise that the boy rob has not returned Adrian decides to go get him, after a while the others get suspicious as it bin over 20 minutes and neither have returned, then two boys from the group decide to go together and leave the other three behind just in case the others return, after 5 minutes the boys get scared and decide to go in and stick together as they walk into the house they find 1 of the two boys that had just gone (jack) lying on the floor dead with an axe in his head they all get shocked and decide to stick together just in case its Adrian’s dad and take the axe from jacks head, as they get into the corridor they find the other boy Pete lying on his stomach with a knife in his back they all start screaming and call for Adrian for help, as they do this Adrian’s dad comes down the stairs and says what the hell is going on he accuses them for the killing of Pete but they say no it's you! you are possessed with a ghost in you as he hears this he says who told you this as they say Adrian he goes to hit 1 of the three boys as he thinks they are making this up as he does this he gets hit in head by Alex with an axe and killed, the three boys look at each other shocked at what had just happened and suspect Adrian they go up the stairs and find Adrian he has blood all over him he said that he was trying to help jack they don’t believe him and they start fighting Adrian gets on top of Alex and starts laying into him picking up the axe as he does this tom one of the other two boys punches Adrian as he falls he falls on top of Alex and the axe has beheaded him shocked by this Adrian starts crying, tom then gets a knife and stabs him as he had just murdered his brother Alex tom and Jayson try to leave the house to get away as they are getting out tom slips as Jayson goes to help him he gets smacked in the head with a hammer tom is shocked and he looks to see who it was and find out it was Adam.
Adam then explains that he was the killer Jayson tries to reason with him and try’s to understand him Adam puts his house out to help Jayson then Jayson gets the hammer and smacks Adam killing him and the film ends

My second idea was about a haunted house

This was set in a normal house. The child could not go to sleep at night times and throughout the beginning of the film he does not like this new house that they have moved into and doesn’t like the idea of sleeping in his own room he tells his parents that he is scared and feels something is with him at night, over a few nights he screams but after a while his parents ignore him, one night he screams for help like he usually does his parents decide to ignore him they then find in the mourning that the boy had been strangled to death. The police get involved and the parents get accused and questioned as there were no signs of broken entry, on bail the couple decide to go back to the house to see if they could get answers, as they go upstairs they find someone downstairs in the house as they go down they find the previous owner of the house he says sorry I never knew anyone was in he later confesses that it was him and he did it because he didn’t want anyone to sleep in that room as him mom had passed away there he is later found to be a paedophile as the police raid his house and find child pornography in his bedroom he is then arrested and prisoned.

My third idea is - Cut off

It is based on and electricity cut. At the beginning there is a couple watching TV and starts off normal. The electricity cuts off all of a sudden and the man decides to go check it out he goes into the alley next to their semi detached house to look at the electricity box, after a while the woman get worried, but the TV comes back on so she thinks nothing of it , after a while she decides to go up stairs but find the front door open she looks outside and finds her husband on the floor covered in blood dead, she screams and lies next to him outside on the floor crying, after being interviewed by the police they say that it was an attack from mistaken identity trying to get over this she decides to stay with her family as she goes back to her house, she finds that the electricity box was switched off getting a bit suspicious as the electricity cut was not initially caused by this she gets suspicious so get her family to live in the house with her. She then gets another power cut in her house she gets frightened, her brother says don’t worry about it and as he walks outside he gets attacked and brutally stabbed and murdered. She runs out and chases after the murderer into a field nearby she then finds that the killer was her brother in law and he was jealous of his brother and couldn’t stand to see them together and that was his motive to kill his brother, and he came back this time so that he could kill her as he couldn’t stand to see her live unhappy so he thought he would kill her the police then turn up and the man stabs himself in the throat – committing suicide and the film ends

The Fourth and Final idea is – Phone Call

This is based on a girl being stalked over the phone, throughout the film the girl gets stalked over the phone and gets threatening phone calls being black mailed over the phone, she then tells boyfriend who starts laughing and she suspects him as he thinks it’s a joke, the two split up and the next morning she finds that her ex- boyfriend was murdered. Shocked by this the phone calls continue and her brother also gets murdered and the people that are closest to her, in the end the killer reveals himself and it was her dad he then commits suicide and she gets flashbacks of her dad and she can link how he did it and the story ends with the girl picking up the gone and putting it to her own head and pulling the trigger.

1 comment:

  1. these are interesting stories and all have some potential, Waleed.
