Thursday 17 December 2009

My main idea in detail - in cluding story board charcter analysis location etc

My final idea is phone call.

Character Analysis

main character - sabeha - in her early 20's, works in new look she is fashionable loves going out loves her brother loved her boyfreinds, drinks and smoke socaillay, she also started university and was studying hair and beauty,loves any music she could dance to,like meeting new people.

Sabehas Boyfriend - tariq - 21 - funny sarcastic, studying drama, like to socailise loves clubbing, smokes and is a regular drinker,over talkative,and loud

sabehas brother - 24 violent when drunk, lazy smokes drugs, normally deprresed, criminal records no job, was in prison for 3 years for bulguary, involved in a gang, hard to approach very laid back lots of one night stands has never had a proper girlfriend

Sabehas farther - 45 - factory worker, violent, smokes, very strict , alcholic, hardly gives money to support the family spends his money on beer

Location of Opening scene - in a bed room of a sabehas house normal house

My opening scence - it is dark and the lamp is on providing light , it begings with phone ringing loud vibartions with close up of phone with a non digetic sound of a heart beat which follows on from mr opening credits to contrast to the phone vibartions, the girl then picks up the phone and the guy on the phone starts getting out the hand and he frightens her, she cuts the phone off and turns on the light and then looks around the room re assuring herself, as she gets back into bed the phone goes off a number of times she looks outside to see if anyone is there and could see it is very dark oustide with fog and mist and she can hear a variety of animal noises she then gets back into the bed frightened and then a dog barks loudly and the phone rings the person on the tells her he knows whats shes wearing and doing she demands to see him after a while she gets sick of it and throws the phone on the floor, the close up of the phone as it cuts off asoon as this happens the ligths turn off and a figure apperars in a mask this is the end of my opening scene

1 comment:

  1. where are you planning to film these? that is what is meant when i want location info.the character info is good, and the idea for the opening sequence structure is sound.
