Thursday 26 November 2009

Continuity task

For my continuity task i had to record a mini clip thats show various camera angles, match on action, shot reverse shot and apply the 180 degree rule at first i made a story board and i followed my story board and made my clip at first i found it hard to set up the camera and get used to zooming in and out and i had to keep re doing my shots til i perfected them at first i had my actor walking into the room and presenting a note and then passing it to my other actor which was my match on action then a shot revcerse shot of themn both and i had a close up of the face and of the note then the actor walks out and the camera tilts down and there was an ecu of the note. as my continuity piece was presented to the class i had some bad and good feedback what i found was that my camera was shakey and the focus was not great and the match on action did not look like match on action, also the tilt did noty work well so i thought i had to refilm avoiding doin any pan or tilt movement. i decide to cut out the pan and to re record over it with my first actor walking out of the door and showing the match on action with the door as before the match on action was not great, this also avioded the tilt and pan this worked well and i got positive feedback off my teacher.
If i was to do it once again i would make it short and avoid zooming in and using too much shots and kept it simple as i found the more smart i tryed to get the more it baecame harder for me to use

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Research into existing products

* camera angles
* mise en scene
* sound - digetic non digetic
* Setting
* reprensentations
* stereotypes
* Lighting
* Genre
* editing
*There are 3 types of genre which i have been told to focus on these are romantic comedy thriller and horror.we have been told yto look at how the genre being displayed through conventions followed by camera angels sound ligthing etc
The typical conventions of the following genres are : Romantic comedy films are movies with are normally light-hearted, humorous plotlines, Romantic comedy films are build up from 2 sub-genre's romance and comedy The main plot of a romantic comedy is that a man and a woman usually meet then part ways due to an argument or other obstacle then towards the mid way of the film reunite.Sometimes the two people meet and become involved initially, but hesitant to become romantically involved because they believe that they do not like each other, or one of them already has a partner, or because of social pressures. Throughout the film the two people are separate or seek time apart to sort out their feelings or deal with the external obstacles to their being together.While they are separated, one or both of them usually realizes that they have feelings for one another , Then one of the two makes some spectacular effort to find the other person and declare their love usually the man, the two meet again or they have another encounter. Then with some comic friction they declare their love for each other and the film ends happily ever afterromantic comedies normally have a bright setting and piano music

Horror films are movies which elicit the emotions of fear, horror and terror from viewers. the main themes are death, the supernatural or mental illness and include a central villain.Horror films normally start with a dark setting They have a suspence build up then an attack at the end of the opening scene then the title would come up and you will go back to the start of the movie Normally it has a build up to a big attack the music usally emphaises the buildup of the attack they might be dogs barking in the back ground people screaming There would be low angle shots to show how the character is being focused on – being watched Hand held camera to show the affect of the character hooror films have a dark and grim setting

Thriller movies involve suspense and cliffhangers which are used extensively Thrillers often take place partly in exotic settings such as foreign cities, deserts, polar regions, or high seas. The heroes in most thrillers are accustomed to danger for example : law enforcement officers, spies, soldiers even sometimes ordinary citizens drawn into danger by accident.There are many different sub genres of thriller such as: Action thriller: These films usually contain large amounts of gun wars, explosions, and large elaborate set pieces for the action to take place. These may often have elements of mystery films and crime films but. action thrillers are films such as : James Bond films, The Transporter.Conspiracy thriller: In which a hero confronts a large, powerful group of enemies whose true extent only he/she recognizes.for example films such as Three Days of the Condor, Capricorn One, and JFK. Crime thriller: This particular genre is made up of both crime films and thrillers that offers a suspenseful account of a successful or failed crime or crimes. These films often focus on the criminals Crime thrillers usually emphasize action such as murders, robberies, chases, shootouts, and double-crosses are central ingredients. Some examples include The Killing, Seven, The Godfather, Reservoir Dogs, Inside Man, and The Asphalt Jungle. Reference :

Research on horror genre in detail - business data

Research on the Horror Genre

Horror Films from 1960 – 2009 Money Made
1st Weekend
US Gross
Worldwide Gross

Totals $9,550,454,019 $15,109,920,219 $3,752,706,000
Averages $22,210,358 $35,139,349 $18,041,856

Year Movies in
Release Market
Share Gross Tickets Sold Inflation-
Gross Top-Grossing Movie Gross that Year
$147,196,046 33,838,170 $232,806,610 Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight
$94,800,900 21,448,169 $147,563,403 From Dusk Till Dawn
$425,383,665 92,676,180 $637,612,118 Scream 2
$317,637,319 67,726,507 $465,958,368 Halloween: H2O
$477,074,576 93,912,317 $646,116,741 The Blair Witch Project
$332,969,478 61,775,414 $425,014,848 Scream 3
$391,052,039 69,090,467 $475,342,413 Hannibal
$296,701,842 51,067,443 $351,344,008 The Ring
$485,046,435 80,438,880 $553,419,494 Freddy vs. Jason
$464,766,650 74,841,650 $514,910,552 The Grudge
$512,090,674 79,889,342 $549,638,673 Saw II
$553,291,644 84,472,008 $581,167,415 Saw III
$689,177,574 100,171,155 $689,177,546 I am Legend
$294,256,854 40,982,851 $281,962,015 Saw V
$476,375,683 66,347,589 $456,471,412 The Final Destination
Year by Year Market Share


The highest grossing Horror film of all-time was the Sixth Sense as it made $673 million dollars since its release.

Genre of all film releases

the relative popularity of different genres at the box office in the UK and Republic of Ireland in

2008. Comedy was once again the top grossing genre (earning Ł222.4 million), followed by action (Ł203.7 million).

Films released in the UK and Republic of Ireland by genre, 2008, ranked by gross box office

Genre Number of releases % Gross box office

Comedy 140 23.8

Action 41 21.8

Musical 17 12.3

Animation 21 9.8

Adventure 13 9.4

Drama 122 4.4

Sci-fi 8 4.0

Fantasy 10 3.9

Crime 19 21

Horror 28 2.5

Thriller 28 2.3

Family 4 1.4T

Total 527 100

Reference :

Horror films Codes and Conventions

Horror films are unsettling films that frighten/ panic (scare), often in a terrifying, shocking
finale, while entertaining us at the same time I. Horror films centre on the dark side of life, the forbidden, and strange and alarming events whereas in other genres such as rom com the setting is usually focusing on the bright side of life.
Horror films involve a set of codes and conventions that gives the audience the idea that they are watching a horror film. In most media texts, the codes and conventions displayed within the narrative of the film are portrayed to an effect that will suggest important aspects of the film i.e. lead characters typical codes and conventions are blood, death, killing villain, victims, haunted houses, isolated settings, weapons, darkness ,storms, chase sequences, violence, screams, animal noises, dog barking, also during the films there are several colours especially in the opening credits such as black and white credits that may fade away and red in the back ground to emphasise blood, also the setting will be foggy misty and a dark shadowy setting. The usual characters in a horror are:
The hero – the one on the quest and the one who saves the day
The villain – the evil one who causes the Violence murder blood and gore
Villains’ Sidekick - Person who helps villain
There is usually good against evil the lead character normally survives throughout the film, the killer/ monster that leaves a trademark like a weapon or has a mask, the villain always gets defeated in the end or found out.
There are different types of horror films such as:
The Slasher Flick or Dead Teenager Horror movies
The film usually has a dark in tone. Where there are murders taking place manly with weapons like knives, machetes and axes. The Slasher genre was created by Halloween (1979); other examples of Slasher Movies are Friday The 13th and Halloween 2, I Know What You Did Last Summer, The Scream Series, IKWYDLS and Wes Craven's New Nightmare and Slumber Party Massacre.
Gothic/horror genre
These films usually started in the 1930s – 1940s. dark black grey setting and generally black and white they are based on literature books like Frankenstein, other examples of gothic horror are Dracula, The Phantom of the Opera and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Monster Movies
These horror films are based on monsters, a creature of any kind, and mainly attacking a bunch of people to act as a buffet for the monster. Examples of monster movies are The Blob, The Thing, The Fly., Alien, Tentacles and one of the most popular is Jaws, Jurassic Park, Anaconda, Lost World, Mimic, Wish master, American Werewolf in Paris. and Deep Rising.

Dramatic Horror
These are of a slow build up with a lot of suspense they rarely have to do with monsters or murderers, though some like Silence of the Lambs, Mimic and Psycho, do. Most of these movies deal with the devil and religion also plays a factor; examples of dramatic horror are Psycho, Rosemary’s Baby, The Exorcist, Devil’s Advocate, or Inner Turmoil, The Apartment, Mouth of Madness, and Event Horizon.

Reference For Pictures

Saturday 21 November 2009

Questionaire And Analysis


Are you [male] [female]
Which age group do you fit in? [15-18] [19-21] [22-29] [30+]
Which film genre do you most prefer to watch out of? [Horror] [Rom Com] [Thriller]
Which film genre do you like the least? [Horror] [Rom Com] [Thriller]
What do you expect to see in a horror film?

How Many Horror Films Have You Watched in The Last year? [1-5] [6-11] [12–15] [16-24] [25+]

What is your favourite horror film?

Where would you expect a horror a film to be set?

Who is Your Favourite Villain?


I Found From my questionaire that the most popular types of horror fims where slasher and from the most favourite villan i found that alot of people choose the man from scream and chucky which are slasher and the main murder weapons used were knives and axes so im going to decide to have my horror film to be based on slasher horror . From the other questions i gained the inforation on what details of the film are prefered by the audience such as the location which was mainly some place deserted and haunted.

From this feedback i am now going to make my final story based on it as i now know what my audience is looking for which is a slaher horror in a deserted location, from this i can also avoid putting things that my audience did not like like zombies as this will not appeal to my target audience.

Thursday 5 November 2009

Analyse The Opening Sequences of a Horror Film genre

I looked at the opening sequences of five films, the first four i focused on where of horror genre for one of these three i looked at was a Japanese horror so compare the opening sequences and i also chose a thriller to show that i have looked at other genres.
Here are my following analyses of the films: Scream, End call (Japanese), the sixth sense , the omen and fight club (thriller).


Scream begins with a black scream then someone screaming in the background and the word scream appears in a white font which gives the viewer an automatic response that this is something to do with a horror moving as the title is being displayed with screaming noises and with a dark setting there is a heartbeat being played in the back ground and every time the heart beats the title flashes red also this is symbolised with blood so you can eliminate any other genre as just from the first opening seconds you can see that this is a horror then the title scream turns red and dominates the screen. Throughout the opening sequence the phone is dominating the sound and the tone progresses louder to emphasise shock and horror as the phone rings, the knife also makes a sound, the popcorn crackling , the piano noise when it starts to get intense the camera zooms into the girl and is hand held so we can see her reactions as the object walks away the camera stays in the passion she was in for a second or two after to show how she may be being watched also high angle shots looking into the house shows how the young girl is being watched from another prospective. Bird noises and dog barking are used to scare the viewers as this shows that something had to trigger off the dog bark this makes the viewer get scared which is what a typical convention of
The setting is based in the middle of nowhere the theme is dark and foggy so this seems to builds a sense of darkness bad things to come also the animal noises in the back ground help show that the victim is going to be in the middle of nowhere and no one could help her so therefore this makes the audience scared which is what a horror film is there to do.

End Call

Another horror film I looked at was end call (Japanese) I choose to look at this as it is set in Japan in a different language, to see if the opening conventions differed. The opening credits are black and white with red splashes of red writing to emphasise blood this shows that the film is a horror, the film starts with a dark screen and the film has a dark setting this shows that this is a horror film as horror films tend to have a dark setting .The opening credits have pictures of Japanese buildings this allows the viewer to see where the film is set, the sequence of the opening credits are fast this shows that there is a someone in a hurry maybe someone is trying to getaway there are many people but it is very blurry you cannot see just one specific face which gives a sense that there is no just one specific target rather any one can be a victim. Throughout the opening scene there are many numbers of sound used to emphasise that this is a horror film the use of water dripping gets more intense and builds up a sense that something is going to happen , the clock is ticking in the background and gets louder as the scene develops, when the phone vibrates it gets louder and louder and it beats almost like a heartbeat and gets louder as a heart would do under adrenalin this makes the viewer get scared which is what a horror film is there to do, the piano music in the background gets louder and progresses as the scene develops, in the opening credits the sound starts and stops almost like a person following another person starting and stopping like someone is being stalked this shows that it is a horror film, the mise en scene used is a karaoke machine this fits in with the lifestyle of people in Japan as there are many karaoke bars and we can see this karaoke machine in the opening scene in a dark setting, the girls are being watched through a window and then the camera uses tracking along the side and this is from one point of view to give the impression that its one way you can see them but they can’t see you again this follows a convention of a horror film have found that this Japanese film has carried the same conventions as a type l horror film.

The Omen

Like you would expect form most horror films the film started with black and white opening credits so this automatically gives the sense of this being a horror film as they typically start like this, in the background you can see the theme of red this emphasises blood death fire hell so this gives the sense that this is a horror film, opera music is being played in the background and also church bells and the music gets louder as the credits progress the church bells may emphasise death as people have there funeral in a church also church bells are seen as scary which is what a horror film is there to do – scare also church bells like a wake up call but what is it waking up the dead?. we see a cross in the background does this represent religon - god or devil? we see a shadow with the cross so it gives a sence of something else another presence dark colours could be devil maybe symboling hell.The scene starts off dark with shadows which is a typical al convention of a horror film the buildings are dark and you cannot see the full picture of the buildings as they are cut off by the darkness. The scene develops and the camera is on top a stair case looking down focusing on two people this shows that the people are being watched and looked down focused upon maybe these could be the next targets this is re emphasise as the camera tilts down to show that someone has jus suddenly looked down. the music used is depressing and is not joy fukll as would romantic comedy would have and the scence is dark and not bright this shows how this film is of a horror genre

Sixth Sence

the sixth sence in its opening credits are black and white this pattern follows in all the horror movies i have studied so far so this shows that this is a nortmall convention of a horror movie, the credits fade away so thuis emphaises horror, the sound used in thje background is wind this empahises cold ness like death, the music starts off slow and then progresess to sort of scare the viewer it progresses slowly building up tension like a sence of adrenalin makes the viewer think more of what they can see builds up tension for the viewer, blank screens so emphaise darkness and sudden stop maybe like the heart that stops at death,The scence starts off dark which is how most horror movie starts then the camera is foucussed on a light bulb and zooms out into the full room and turmns into a long establishing shot and a focuys pull on something in the background, the stairs creek which another factor which can scare the viewer. In the back ground you can hear sound of a gun loading the camera is hand held when it foiucuse on the killer and when the man geta shot the screen zooms out again and the screen goes blank and develops into thwe next scene.

Fight Club

For my last film i looked at a thriller to see how a thriller differs from a horror, a thriller is made to thirill a person wheras horror is made to scare, the thriller i chose to look at was fight club.

like a horror the film had started dark however the opening credits where niot displayed black and white like any normall horror would it had flashing lights in the back ground, the camera moved very fast, it wasnt raining or just foggy and misty like normall horror filns it was thunderning which is thrillling and the music was not jus like a piano or an opera it had exciting music almost starting adrenallin which gives a person a thrill which a normall convention of a thriller a horrror normally starts of dull and slow but a thriller i jumping and fast. the music was fight music and went well with the flashing lights the msie en scene used where black clothes and a black gun which is what is normally used as a thrilling. these are the ways that thrillers differ from horror openening sequences.